On August 3rd, I posted my first series of pictures of my adventures (and misadventures) there.
And now, on this day, I finally post the final chapter, and finally get this leaden monkey off my back. SO, let's get to it, shall we.
Now, this will be slightly different than my previous entries. So, if you're expecting another 25 pictures taken at the convention, get out! ....No, wait, come back. It's so...lonely here. Wait, where was I, oh, yes. These are things that wouldn't have fit in with my previous entires.
The first one is actually a video that I took (as a side-note, I hope you enjoyed my little excursion into the realm of moving pictures). I forgot exactly when I took it. I believe it was Saturday, because I was alone, and it was probably after my companions had left to go donate blood. But that's kinda irrelevant. What is important is that I was just walking outside when I see this group of......singing pirates? What the hell? Take a look:
So yeah. I kept on getting peeved at that "professional" cameraman who was getting in the way of my shots. I guess he was more important because he had a tripod. Anyway, the video has been a sensation on YouTube, garnering a staggering 190 views. All sarcasm aside, it has a pretty high comment/view ratio (being 3.15%, whereas even the most popular videos are closer to a ration of 1.3%, not counting a couple of videos that actively encourage commenting). But, thanks to the comments and a private message, I was able to find out that this group is called "Pirates Charles." I've thought about that for a while now, and I still have no idea what it could mean. But they were pretty good (they sounded better in person than they did in the video). It was a treat to see them.

Okay, now that I got those miscellaneous items out of the way, it's time to introduce:
The Many (Drawn) Faces of Andrew (Schnorr)
When I went into this years Comic-Con, I had an experiment in mind. Last year, I had brought with me a Composition Book with which I obtained many people's signatures, and even a few sketches from some select artists. If you haven't seen my photo-blog from last year's con, I highly encourage it, if only for that group of pictures. It's a real treat.
So, anyway, last year I had just gotten a bunch of excellent, but rather unrelated, sketches from a group of artists (primarily those who work for Magic: The Gathering, because those are the ones I know). So this year, I wanted to do something different. I wanted a common theme. A common subject. But what? WHAT?
And then I looked in the mirror.
It was all so clear at that moment. A visage of such beauty, matched with an ego of such grandiosity, was simply begging to be the subject. And so I decided that I would ask each artist to sketch some form of me.
This was a lot more difficult than it sounds. First of all, do you know how awkward it is to ask them for it.
Me: "Excuse me, would you mind doing a sketch?"
Artist: "Sure. What do you want it to be?"
Me: "Um...me?"
Of course, with my silver-coated tongue, I was a bit more eloquent than this. In fact, I explained the entire experiment to each of the artists. While a couple of them seemed rather disinterested, the majority thought it was a pretty cool idea, and looked through to see what their talented brethren had done.
The second problem was more monetary in nature. You see, last year I was lucky enough to get most of my sketches free of charge. This year...not so much. Maybe it was the way I approached them last year (I didn't explicitly ask for a sketch; I told them to "do whatever [they] wanted." Or maybe the artists are wising up to us cheapskate fans, and milking us for all we're worth. Whatever the case, this experiment put a sizable dent in my pocketbook, with the average sketches ranging from $5 to $20. Now, before you cry "highway robbery!", keep in mind that $20 was just my limit; some artists (who, despite probably being well-known, I had never heard of) were offering sketches for $100! And that's not including color. Also, know that a few of these I purchased as part of a slick "combo deal". Finally, consider the fact that I was prepared and willing to pay these prices, painful though a few of them may have been. Don't make me whip out my old Supply & Demand graph!
And, before I ramble on any more, let's get started!
Randy Gallegos

Maybe it was because he seemed a little...I don't know...disturbed about my experiment. And, despite my telling him to let his imagination run wild and not limit himself to a realistic sketch, he went and drew the single most realistic one! And it's small! And it doesn't make me look too hot! And he wanted five bucks!
In short, after my first piece, I was having serious doubts about my experiment. Luckily, it was all uphill from then on.
Katie Cook

Tommy Castillo

So, he took a good look and me and got to work. I didn't really see what he was doing until he asked "Have you ever wondered what you'd look like as a burning zombie Hell-demon?" As I clumsily replied, "Uhh...no?" He said, "well, there you go." So, it appears that if I ever become some sort of demon, the bags under my eyes will become even more prominent.
Shelly Block

Therese Nielson

(Yes, I realize I could easily erase them with an actual eraser, but that would be terrible. Shame on you for thinking that.)
Ben Thompson

Dave Garcia

...Except, what's that blue stuff on the page? Why, it's the work of...
Jim Hillin

So, anyhoo, I guess this guy has a webcomic, and I'd be rude not to give it a mention (that was the only way he'd give it to me for free), so it's called Wire Heads. Haven't looked at it, myself, but there you go.
Paul "Kapitan Kartoon" Dale

The Kapitan's deal was that he was drawing anime caricatures of people. I thought it was a perfect fit for my experiment, and indeed, it turned out rather well. Except...that face seems a little...young, doesn't it? I guess he was going for the chibi, or "cute," look.
Thomas M. Baxa

By the way, a quick interjection: would you have known this was a sketch of me had there not been a goatee attached? I sincerely doubt it. That is one of the reasons I have one. I am almost universally recognized as being me; no one ever mistakes me for someone else. And I love it!
Mike "Gabe" Kahulik

...And when they do, that's when I'll sue for royalties! Hah!
Ken Meyers Jr.

Still, I can't really stay mad at the guy. He was really kind, and he put a lot of effort into my piece. And the fact that there's so much stuff about writing was not the result of the traditional caricaturist question, "So, what do you like to do?" Ken and I had a good conversation, where he picked up that I was a writer. He also gave me the sketch for free if I were to buy one of his prints. I ended up buying a nice angel picture to eventually add to La Pared de los Angeles. He even told me to come back later and show him my sketches when I had got more. Unfortunately, when I tried, he had already left. So Ken, if you're reading this...well, that's a little unsettling, actually.
Joey Mason

Attila Adorjany

Cyril Van Der Haegen

And this was the second year I bought a print from him. The first was a Magic card called Circu, Dimir Lobotomist. My mom can't stand that one, but I love him. I just love the idea of some shady doctor-dude wiping his nose wise his arm and saying, "*Sniff*, next." (There used to be better resolutions of the picture, without the watermark, but dirty pirates have changed the game).
This year, the piece I bought from him was another that my mom will probably not like, called "Gabriel's Revenge". I try not to refer to it by it's title, though, because that's not what caught my attention. What caught my attention was the fact that this is almost exactly how I envision Fate in my long-since-worked-on novel series The Chronicles of Fate. Literally, it jumped out at me (okay, not literally). Funnily enough, when I told Cyril this, he said that that was kind of like what the character in the painting was. Great minds think alike, I suppose. I told him that I had to get it, and so I did, along with the sketch. It was a limited edition, number 2/100. Even though that's almost as low as it can get, it doesn't sound terribly impressive, does it?
As for the sketch itself, it's a sort of Lovecraftian view of the twisted "Writer's Brain" (he also learned I was a writer, well, when I told him that I had a seven-book series planned). He remembered to add the goatee. Oh, you don't see the goatee? Well, just look at the ends of the tentacles. >_<>
Phillip Moy

He has me giving a kind of tough guy look, which is fine and good, but sometimes, I wish people would portray more of my THE_BOLSHEVIK side, like my Mii avatar does. Still, I guess I just naturally exude testosterone (I should really have a doctor look at that, by the way), so all portrayals of me will be of the rough-and-tumble variety.
Patrick Blaine

Now, as for this picture, you may be wondering what it is. Well, when I described the experiment to him, he said, "You wanna know something? If you shaved your head, I think you'd look like Kratos." Now, Kratos is a character from the video game God of War, which is one of the few games that has ever tempted me to buy anything related to the PlayStation. And yes, he has a very prominent goatee. Take a look. Personally, I'm inclined to agree that, hairless, I would somewhat resemble him. Halloween Costume 2007? ...Possibly, but I think I'd have to firm up my abs first. Anyhoo, Kratos is a really angry dude who kills Greek gods and such, and so that's what's with the aggressive flavor text.
And the kicker? Guess how much he wanted as payment? ......Nope, lower.......lower......lower still. Nothing! The guy wanted nothing, despite the fact that it's an extremely well-done piece. I even offered to pay him, and he refused. True gentleman, there.
........Aaaaaaand with that, I end not only my "Many Faces" experiment, but my series on Comic-Con 2007 as a whole!
I sincerely hoped you enjoyed it. While I will admit that nothing really comes close to the experience of actually being there, I hope you at least got a good idea of what it was like.
I also hope you appreciate the work that went into this. Looking at all six parts of the series (viewable by clicking the "Comic-Con" tag below), they combine for a total of 16,750 words. That's about 2/3 the length of The Tapping Wand. That's a lot! And this definitely kept me up late at night when I even had the time to work on it. In fact, it's nearly 5am as I'm finishing this. Why so late? Well, that's really the only time I have. This whole thing has been a huge labor, but it's been a labor of love, and I'm happy to have done it. I hope you feel the same.
And so, from now on, we shall resume normal Lobotomist's Dream programming. Until then...
Pretty cool pics, thanks for sharing them!
A good way to end a good series. Here's to ComicCon 2007 and here's to ComicCon 2008, and of course, the blog that is the Lobotomist's Dream...
I only fear what a sketch of me would look like.
-Comrade Chavez
I love the idea. How cool to tap into their creativity and unique flavor.
The last one is very cool. I hate to say it but I like the one by the mean guy, Joey Mason...I like the art. I think your idea was brilliant. How cool to always have these. You are wise beyond your years. I appreciate the effort and thank you for sharing. I think even I would enjoy comic con
Glad you took me. Love, Mom
Hey Andrew--Googled myself tonight and came across this blog entry.
I remember the request and sketch. Sorry I came off as a prick, your first impression is far more correct--the second, well...let's just say I happened to blog about it a year or so ago specifically!
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