Resident Director: "Mundane topic of discussion."
RA 1: "Point."
RA 2: "Unnecessarily contrary point."
RAs 1, 2, 3, 4.....17, 18: "Bickerbickerbickerbickerbicker."
RA 21 (Me): *Takes "notes".*
And, for your enjoyment, here are my "notes" from last night's meeting.

Wow, I remember when I used to do that to my notes. Look at my economics notes from sophomore year at the university...Looks mighty similar. I miss ye olden days.
I like the random word "Tarot!" enscribed on your notes. At least you didn't right Developers!
If you need your memory jogged on "Developers!":
-Comrade Chavez
Ahem, "Sex Games"? What kind of crazy school do you go to?
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