No, no, don't worry, I'm not in any sort of financial scare. The money isn't even for me. Rather, it's for a good cause...
...It's for sponsoring me.
You see, on April 5th, we're having the third annual UC Berkeley Dance Marathon.

So, I decided to sign up, mainly because I feel I should participate in these kinds of events every so often. Plus, there will be people I know that I can talk with.
Yes, I know what you're thinking: "Andrew, don't you hate dances?" Yes, I do. Or rather, the music they play at them. However, in order to keep myself sane, I'm going to be assuming that they'll play some halfway decent music. And if anyone tells me otherwise, I'll just plug my ears.
Now, this is all fine and good, but where does the money come into play?
Well, I found out after signing up that this is actually a charity event. (As if they'd do it if it wasn't.) The proceeds go toward the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and fighting AIDS is always good, especially when it's for babies!
The program allows us to make our own crude personal profile pages. The materials weren't great, but...
(...Like I said: we didn't have much to work with.)
Anyway, you'll notice amongst my Canadian pride that it says my goal is $100. This is just a tentative goal, because I don't normally do this sort of thing, and so I'm not going to set my sights too high.
I am on a team, and I just noticed that I am tied with a couple other people for the largest goal amount. And in order to continue the proud Berkeley tradition of "Andrew Schnorr wins," I think it would be best if I slaughtered all my teammates sponsorships. Oh, yeah, and you'll be fighting AIDS while doing so!
You'll also notice that it says anonymous person donated $20. That was me. Me. I just clicked the wrong attribution button. I swear.
Anyway, if you'd like to donate (and why wouldn't you?), just head back up to that beautiful page and enter the donation amount. You'll need a debit/credit card - I don't think scanned pictures of dollar bills will work.
Feel free to give as much or as little as you want. None of it goes to my pocket, so don't worry about it being spent on crow shirts. Unless the AIDS people need them. Then you're stuck.
I hear the call! Send me your address. and I'll send you a check. hopefully it'll get there in time.
As I said, donating online is probably the best way, but if checks are the only way you can do it, my address is as follows:
2650 Haste St.
Berkeley, CA 94720
I will donate an undisclosed sum of money tonight. Good luck Andrew - may you lead the race, er, dance to the cure!
-Comrade Chavez
You know, I have no money right now. But if you wish, I'll give you 1 penny. Yes, one penny, $0.01, an official government copper(ish) portrait of Abraham Lincoln, $1- $.99, etc.
Do you want it?
I neither want nor dis-want it. I don't get any of this money, after all.
Want it as in, do you wish it to be added to your total?
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